Entering and Updating Account Payment Details

Use the Payment Details subtab of the Account Overview page to add and update the following payment details of existing accounts:


To assign receipt methods:

  1. Navigate to the Payment Details subtab of the Account Overview page.

  2. Click Add Receipt Method.

  3. Search and select an appropriate receipt method.

    Note: You define receipt methods in the Receipt Classes window.

  4. Specify the start and end dates for the method.

  5. Select Primary, if this receipt method is the primary one for this customer account.

To assign credit cards:

You can assign a credit card either by adding a predefined credit card or by creating a new credit card.

To add a credit card

  1. On the Payment Details subtab of the Account Overview page, click Add.

  2. Search and select an appropriate credit card.

To create a credit card

  1. On the Payment Details subtab of the Account Overview page, click Create.

  2. Enter credit card details such as number, expiration date, and statement billing address.

    Note: You can also create a billing address.

To assign bank accounts:

You can assign a bank account either by adding a predefined bank account or by creating a new bank account.

To add a bank account

  1. On the Payment Details subtab of the Account Overview page, click Add.

  2. Search and select an appropriate bank account.

To create a bank account

  1. On the Payment Details subtab of the Account Overview page, click Create.

  2. Enter bank account details such as country, bank, branch, and account number.

    Note: You can also create a bank and a bank branch.

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