
Use statements to communicate invoice, debit memo, chargeback, deposit, payment, on-account credit, credit memo, and adjustment activity to your customers. Receivables also prints your customer's past due information based on the aging buckets whose type is Statement Aging. You can customize your statements with messages in the Standard Messages window.

Attention: When you print statements for all of a particular customer's locations, (by entering the customer name, but leaving the location blank), you must select a single language for the entire print run. If, however, you enter a specific customer's name and select a specific location, Receivables automatically selects the correct language in which to print the statements. Note that if you are printing statements for all customers, you do not select the language in which the statements are generated: Receivables automatically prints them in the correct language as specified for each of your customer's statement locations.

Report Parameters

As of Date: The as of date on which you want Receivables to print these statements. The default is the current date.

Bucket: The name of the aging bucket you want to use for this statement.

Customer: Enter the customer name if you want to print a statement for a specific customer. If you choose to Print a draft statement, you need to enter either a customer name or number.

Cycle: The statement cycle for this statement submission.

Invoice Type: If you want to restrict the transactions that appear on statements specify the transaction type to be included here.

Location: The customer billing location for which you want to generate a statement.

Number: Enter the customer number if you want to print a statement for a specific customer. If you choose to Print a draft statement, you need to enter either a customer name or number.

Option: Choose Print Statements to print statements for a particular customer or statement cycle. Choose Print a Draft statement to print a draft statement for a customer. Choose Reprint Statements to reprint statements for a specific customer or statement cycle.

Primary Salesperson: Enter the primary salesperson if you want to restrict the transactions to those to which you have assigned the specific salesperson.

Standard Messages: Enter the name of the standard message you want to print on the statements.

Statement Date: The date on which these statements should be printed.

Report Headings

Amount Remitted: Your customer uses this space to print the payment amount they remit with this statement.

Customer ID: The identification number for each customer.

Statement Date: The statement date you specify in the Statement Date field of the Print Statements window.

To: The customer name and address for each statement. Receivables prints the address you define as the statement address for customer in the Customers window. The country of the customer address will also be printed if it is different than the home country you specified in the System Options window. If you do not have a statement address defined for this customer, Receivables prints a statement for each bill-to address that has activity during the statement period.

Column Headings

1-30 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your second bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

31-60 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your third bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

61-90 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your fourth bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

Over 90 Days Past Due: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your fifth bucket in the Aging Bucket window.

Amount Due: Receivables prints the remaining amount due for each customer's invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks. Credit items appear here with negative amount due values.

Bill To Location: Receivables prints the name of the bill-to location for each invoice, debit memo, chargeback, or deposit.

Current: Receivables prints your customer's open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your first bucket in the Aging Buckets window. If you want to print all of your customer's current open items, select Current in the Type field of the Aging Buckets window.

Due Date: Receivables prints the due date for invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, credit memos, and on-account credits.

Late Charge Rate: Past due items are subject to a LATE CHARGE of (Percent) per month which is an ANNUAL RATE of (Percent).

Late Charges: The total amount of late charges your customer owes your company.

Invoice No: The invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, or on-account number associated with each transaction. For example, if a transaction is a payment, Receivables prints the debit item number to which this payment applies. If this is a cross-site or cross-customer receipt, Receivables displays 'Cross Rcpt' in this column.

Reference: Additional information about each transaction including payment number, credit memo number, purchase order number, and adjustment name.

Total Amount Due: The total amount due and the currency. If your customer has open items in multiple currencies, Receivables prints a separate page for each currency.

Transaction: The name of each transaction. Valid transactions include:

Receivables does not print NSF or STOP payments that were reversed after your statement date.

Transaction Amount: Receivables prints the amount of each transaction. For example, if a transaction is an invoice, Receivables prints the invoice amount.

Transaction Date: The date of each transaction. For example, if a transaction is an adjustment, Receivables prints the adjustment date.

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